About Us

Oromë Property Management (OPM) was created in order to provide a uniquely higher living standard for the expat community, without diminishing the cultural experience. Guided by our founder Dana Taylor, OPM has grown from twenty-four French Colonial styled apartments to thirty properties, including luxury villas.  Our properties are located in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Our team

Our team has the experience and expertise to assist in:
  • Project Management
  • Property Management
  • Sales


Our apartments are all renovated to western standards and offer exceptional kitchens and baths. Each of our twenty-four original units are located along the Riverside District of Phnom Penh, and offer the expat a wonderful opportunity to live among the locals all the while enjoying a higher standard of accommodation. timthumb (1)


Oromë offers experience in all matters relating to real estate sales in Cambodia, and has successfully navigated numerous sales to date.
If you are looking for a raw unit to redesign & renovate yourself OPM can place a vast network of designers, specialty tradesmen, & contractors at your disposal. 